When was the company founded?
Nano Dimension was founded in 2012 in Ness-Ziona, Israel.
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How many employees does Nano Dimension have?
Nano Dimension currently has ~555 full-time employees globally. [2023]
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How may I obtain copies of Nano Dimension’s financial reports, or request an annual report?
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Where can I find Nano Dimension’s latest investor presentation?
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When does Nano Dimension’s fiscal year end?
The fiscal year ends on December 31.
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Where is Nano Dimension’s stock traded?
American Depository Receipts are traded in the U.S. on the NASDAQ under the symbol: NNDM [1 ADR = 50 ordinary shares].
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What is an American Depositary Receipt (ADR)?
An American Depositary Receipt (ADR) represents an ownership interest in a global security. Each ADR represents a designated number of ordinary shares traded in the home market. Using a U.S. depositary bank, ADRs are traded in U.S. dollars by broker-dealers, during U.S. trading hours, making it easier for U.S. investors to hold global investments. Nano Dimension has a Level II ADR program, which is traded on the NASDAQ.
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How can I trade your ADR?
An ADR is traded in the same manner as a U.S. security, during U.S. trading hours, through the U.S. broker-dealer of your choice, including online brokerages and investment advisors.
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Where can U.S. investors find price quotes?
Investors can find real-time quote data for our ADR
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Who serves as the depository for Nano Dimension?
The Bank of New York Mellon is serving as depository for the company.
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How do I contact Nano Dimension’s investor relations?
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Where are Nano Dimension’s headquarters?
Nano Dimension
2 Ilan Ramon St., Ness Ziona Science Park
Ness-Ziona 7403635, Israel
Tel: +972-73-750-9142
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Who are the members of Nano Dimension’s Board of Directors?
Nano Dimension’s Board of Directors combines experienced executives with extensive background in managing and developing emerging companies. For more information on our Board members, please click
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